How to poo proper!

Ben McAndrew
October 25, 2024

We have been going to the toilet our whole lives, however, research shows that most people could improve their technique and positioning to improve their toilet experience.

Back in the old days, before the invention of sit down toilets and toilet paper, humans would squat to relieve their bowels. For those that have had the opportunity to squat poo, the experience tends to be easier to pass and is generally a cleaner experience. Why is that?

Enter stage left the puborectalis muscle, this wonderful muscle belongs in the pelvic floor and is responsible for maintaining feaceal continents.

Adapted diagram from Proactive Pelvic Healthcare centre

When we are in a 'normal' seated postion on the toilet our puborectalis muscle closes and bends the rectum, keeping the stool in. When we lift our knees to roughly a 30% angle and widen our legs, the puborectalis muscle relaxes and lengthens to open up and straightens the rectum to pass stool more easily (see diagram below). You can use anything around the bathroom such as a small bin, a poo stool, a small child or a pet; the last two we wouldn't advise, but hey you can be thrifty! Either way, get your knees up and widen your legs... spread the word!

Adapted Diagram from APTA pelvic health

After you have had the smoothest poo of your life, we would advise using a Bumgun to take it home. Using the pressurised stream of water from the Bumgun and a cleaner squatting postion you should notice there is less residue left on your behind. Finally, to dry off and catch any run away strays use reusable bum towels or significantly less toilet paper.

Squats ahoy! Spread the word!

Bumgun HQ
