A lot of great things have come out of Bristol and being proud Bristolian's we thought this would be the right place to inform you of another of Bristols achievements.
In 1997 the Bristol Royal Infirmary developed the Bristol Stool Chart (BSC) or Bristol Stool Form scale (BSF scale) as a clinical assessment tool to better communicate and diagnose bodily issues, by observing stools.
It is a medical tool used to classify human stools into seven distinct types, ranging from hard lumps (type 1) to completely liquid (type 7). Each type provides valuable insights into a person’s digestive health and overall well-being. The chart helps individuals and healthcare providers identify patterns in bowel movements, which can be indicative of dietary habits, hydration levels, and potential gastrointestinal disorders.
By understanding the type of stool produced, individuals can assess their fiber intake and hydration and identify possible health issues such as constipation, diarrhea, or malabsorption.
The Bristol Stool Chart serves as a simple yet effective communication tool between patients and healthcare professionals, facilitating better diagnosis and treatment options for various digestive conditions. Want to learn more from some actual experts, visit the WebMD page.

If you want your very own Bristol Stool chart head over to Turbo Island to buy yours... Here.
As with most toilet related things, usually the best thing to come from it is toilet related humour, and here we have trolled the internet to find some of the most ridiculously genius names for the types of stool...
Type 1 - Maltesers, ass goblins, bristol balls, marbles, the croquettes
Type 2 - Lion bar, The real Mccoy, monkey bread, Catapillar
Type 3 - Toffee Crisp, The Lincoln Log, Cracked sausage, Hot dogs
Type 4 - Ripple, Smooth criminal, Goldilocks poo, snake, the slippy
Type 5 - Clusters, Smelly seaweed, Bristol blobs, Amoeba
Type 6 - Bubbly, Lumpy fart, Fluffy poo, soft serve
Type 7 - Hot chocolate, Rancid river, fountain of poo, Jackson Pollock, The fire hose
Still loving all this shit chat? We can't get enough of the Bristol Stool chart, so much so it has inspired us to ask chat gpt to compose a poem...
In the realm of health, a guide we seek,
With wisdom and humor, it helps the meek.
The Bristol Stool Chart, a tool so neat,
Decodes our bodies, from head to feet.
Type one, the hard lumps, like nuts in a sack,
A cry for fiber, don’t hold the stack!
Type two, a sausage, but lumpy and rough,
Easing the way, but it’s still rather tough.
Then comes type three, the perfect delight,
Like a sausage, smooth, a well-formed sight.
Type four, oh glory! A classic smooth glide,
Like a snake in the grass, it slips with pride.
Type five, soft blobs, but easier to pass,
A sign you’ve stopped by the fiber-filled grass.
Type six is messy, with edges unclear,
An urgent reminder: hydration is near!
Lastly, type seven, all liquid and thin,
A warning from nature, it’s time to begin.
With the Bristol Chart shining its light,
We learn of our bodies, in day or in night.
So thank you, dear chart, for guidance so true,
You help us connect, to what’s healthy to do.
In laughter and care, we share what we face,
Together we thrive, in this bodily space.
- - Yours turdly ChatGPT
If you are now becoming more interested in your poo, read our blog post "Pooh Sticks" to find out what your poo says about your diet and health.
Whilst we are on the topic, here are a few other names for defecating...
Building a log cabin
Coiling a steamer
Cooking a brown carrot
Dropping the kids off at the pool
Full moon over troubled waters
Launching a rectal rocket
Making a deposit in the porcelain bank
Firing colon cannonballs
Exporting products from uranus
Expanding on bum based literature
Got any more names for poo? Drop us a dm, we would genuinely love to hear....
Here is a link to our vey high brow references...
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0a/b5/b1/0ab5b16e861df61fec4d321f216ac3f9.jpg Maltesers
https://imgur.com/gallery/gpvH7 - Ass goblins
https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/285908276328833182/?lp=true Bristol balls
https://www.healthline.com/health/digestive-health/types-of-poop#6 marbles